

My 67 Coupe
Photo Gallery
Mini-Nats XX
BCG Racing
The Mach One


Here is a good place to describe a list of your hobbies, projects or interests.

bulletTravel - Never was into Travel when I was younger.  My wife has corrupted me!!


bulletComputers  - I've always thought computers were cool (they were geeky when I was younger).  Now, I'm a Systems Manager!


bulletPhotography - I've been a Shutterbug since I was about 10 years old.  I've shot with many different types of film cameras, but am now a convert to Digital.  Someday I will take the time (after the kids are older) to try my hand with a 4X5 view camera I have.


bulletRacing - Well Duh!  I always thought I would love to be a racer, but now it's Open Track for me!  You can drive as fast as you want and you don't have to worry about someone driving you off the track (it is NOT Racing!).  Here's a link to some Vintage Racing stuff.
bulletVintage Drivers Club


Home | My 67 Coupe | Interests | Photo Gallery | Mini-Nats XX | BCG Racing | The Mach One

This site was last updated 06/17/03